Jims Blog

Process to Plant Great Spring Food Plots
- JimS
- Jim's Blog
- Hits: 8130
Food plots are a very important tool that year in and year out, helps hunters find success. Food plots offer wildlife such as deer and turkeys, supplemental forage opportunities and can greatly help in attracting and holding, game species throughout the season.
The spring months provide hunters their first opportunity to begin installing their food plots, which in turn, offers much more than just the benefits of the coming fall and, when installed correctly, can greatly improve your property, your deer, your deer hunting and your success.
Why are spring food plots so important?
Properly planted spring food plots provide much needed food for bucks that are growing antlers, does that are lactating and growing fawns, and in soil fertility, producing organic matter and breaking down nutrients for future crops.
Make a plan.
The most important step in any project is to have a good plan, and installing food plots isn't any different. It is important to know exactly what your goals are ahead of time and what you are specifically hoping to achieve by planting the food plot.
Preparing the seedbed, through tillage.
To start, have a prepared seedbed, with good weed control measures in place.
Also, a simple soil test can be in order. Just make sure you use a reputable testing source. Getting your soil prepared for planting is very important and sometimes doing this properly is a little more difficult than anticipated, if you don't have the proper equipment or the proper knowledge of how to use it do a little research, or ask someone that knows how to use it.
Selecting your seed.
Probably the most exciting and fun part of planning your spring food plot is determining exactly what you are going to plant. Selecting the right seed for the situation is a very important part of the food plot process, so be sure to take some time to make sure that you are making the right choice.
Also consider the maintenance factor as well. Species like clovers will need mowing and will lose all of their effectiveness when the weather turns cold. Species such as soybeans can be another early and late season food source but can be hard to maintain without the proper equipment. These are all questions that you'll need to work through prior to seleccting your seed.
Hands down, follow up is the most missed step in establishing spring food plots and will lead to more failed plantings this summer than anything else.
Weed competition and browsing by wildlife can cause a planting to fail more than anything and it is important that you do your best to keep and eye on the food plot and head off any issue before they take hold. Weed competition can be a killer on your spring food plots. Make sure you know how to control this.
Spring food plots are a great addition to any property and can lead you to success this fall. While there is certainly a time and financial commitment involved, this might be the time to ask yourself honestly if you would be money ahead or end results ahead if you hired it done. Either way, it's going to cost money.